Ready, Set, Grow: 3 "B"s to Personal and Professional Growth

There is a great debate among human development experts. One side says that the average person uses only 5% of their brain’s capacity. The other side argues that most people use 10% of their brain’s potential. 

My question – why aren’t we arguing on behalf of the 90 – 95% of our potential that is not being used? Who cares if it’s 5% or 10%? The bottom line is there is a vast amount of untapped potential that lives within us. What you have accomplished thus far in your life is merely the tip of the iceberg when compared to what you are capable of achieving.

Shouldn’t the great debate of our lifetime be within ourselves? To push our limitations, stretch our imagination, and reach beyond the present reality into the world of possibility? 

And for those satisfied with where you are now, congratulations, you are now in the blessed position to make a real difference in the world. You see, self-development is not self-serving. I believe that developing oneself is the highest calling of all humankind. When you choose to operate at five or ten percent of your capacity, you are depriving the world of the talents, gifts, and contributions that only you were created to bring about in the world. When you LIVE at a higher level, you can GIVE at a higher level.

I believe increasing capacity reaches beyond revenue. I think there is a direct correlation between our personal capacity (to think, dream, articulate, commit, and execute) and the “success” we produce in every area of our life. Our emotional, physical, mental, relational, and financial bank accounts are a composite image of the capacity within us to live at a higher level. I once heard a man say, “Show me the last five books you’ve read and introduce me to your five closest friends, and I can predict within one hundred dollars the balance in your bank account.” I think that’s absolutely true. The ability to generate a return on your investment in life starts with investing in your most valuable asset – you! 

Personal development and the drive toward excellence are the engines that power your life. Your relationships, your income, your joy, and your fulfillment flow from who you are as a person. When you choose to do the things required to be more, do more, and have more, you set into motion unseen forces that go to work on your behalf to connect you with the resources and people you need to make quantum leaps in every area of your life. And notice that doing more and having more comes after BEING more. 

There are three BEs that I think are vital to unleashing your potential.

1. Be a Believer: There is nothing more powerful than a good idea powered by great belief. Nothing significant happens without it and success beyond measure is possible with it. 

The ideals of free enterprise and entrepreneurship are rooted in belief. Think about it. Quite literally, the whole world is available at the tip of our fingers. From advances in medicine and technology to commerce and travel, things that once seemed impossible are commonplace today. 

Many of us can remember life before digital music, cell phones, and cable television. It’s a different ball game today. Now we panic at the very thought of being without our cell phones. 

Everything we enjoy today is the result of a good idea supported by great belief. 

It requires monumental belief to build a life of excellence. Markets will turn, competitors will come and go, and critics will abound. But if you believe in what you’re doing, why you’re doing it, and who you’re doing it for, then nothing can stop you – but you!

Those who develop themselves and believe in something larger than themselves are consistently expanding their vision of who they are and what’s possible for them. They are growing their capacity to lead, coach, and mentor. People are attracted to believers. Believers have an amazing vision for their future, and they draw people into it. People want to be part of something special – that matters – that makes a difference. People are starving for visionaries who believe in where they are going. We want leaders who can inspire us, mentors who can motivate us, and friends who can encourage us to be better today than we were yesterday. If you’re not growing, you have nothing to offer the people around you to help them get better. They will starve and ultimately leave to be edified elsewhere. 

2. Be Committed: Anyone can be committed when things are going well. It takes very little courage to step up and be “all in” when you’re winning. It’s when the tables turn – when things aren’t so rosy that true commitment reveals itself.

During a recent vacation, I took some time to reflect on my goals and where I was at this point in my life. I knew that one of the areas I needed to confront was the area of physical fitness. I needed to do better. I laid out my plan for a new and improved diet and exercise program. I was excited. I was energized. The endorphins were flowing…until we got home, and I had to drag my tired butt out of bed at 5 AM to exercise every morning. That’s when our level of commitment is tested. When it’s time to stop talking and start doing we reveal our true commitment. According to my wife Lisa, commitment does not have a snooze button! I believe she is right.

Expanding your capacity as a leader, manager, and as a person is hard. Playing all the roles in your life with a high degree of excellence requires a healthy dose of commitment. It takes commitment to remain steadfast in the face of adversity. While the storm rages outside, commitment is the anchor that holds you steady. You are resolute and strong because of your commitment to a larger vision. Leaders are focused on the best possible outcome and remain unwavering in their resolve to see their vision become reality.

Tough times will come, no doubt. But your commitment will get you through. Robert Schuller said, “Tough times never last, but tough people do.” Tough people are committed. Tough people keep their goals firmly in front of them. They are crystal clear about why they do what they do. They see themselves overcoming every obstacle and crossing the finish line with arms raised in victory. 

3. Be a Person of Intentional Action: Activity is good. High achievers are wired on go. They have to be doing something all the time. But activity does not constitute achievement. And far too many people make the mistake of thinking the two are one and the same. 

Some people spend all day running here and there, with their hair on fire, falling further and further behind on the things that matter. They mistake urgencies for priorities and wonder why they can’t seem to get ahead. They’re stressed out, freaked out, and overwhelmed. They work harder than anyone else and if you don’t believe it, just ask them. They will tell you they have been on a dead run since before the sun came up and still have more to do today than any two people could get done in a week. 

Here’s the question. Are they going anywhere or simply running in place? My guess is they are like a hamster in a cage. They get on the big wheel of life and go like crazy. They truly are busy. They truly are working hard. They truly are just running in circles and chasing their tail. 

When they get off the wheel, nothing has changed. They’re facing the same problems and urgencies as they did before. Why? They have not clearly defined their intention. They move without giving thought to their highest payoff activities and give up direction for speed. 

Robert Heinlein said, “In the absence of clearly-defined goals, we become strangely loyal to performing daily trivia until ultimately we become enslaved by it.”

We have a saying in sales that says, “no agenda, no sale.” This idea has served me well for more than 30 years in selling. I heard it as a rookie salesperson, and it has been part of my philosophy ever since. Quite simply, it means that every action, every encounter, every move must have a purpose. I must take the time to create an agenda in advance so that I know my outcome before I meet with a prospect, a client, an employee, or anyone else for that matter. 

I know what you’re thinking – “KB, that sounds like a lot of extra work.” Actually, it’s quite the contrary. Failing to have a clear agenda in your mind before taking action is what creates extra work. In the absence of a clearly defined objective, we make small talk, we fumble for the right words, we rely on luck, and we waste time. People want to do business with people who are on focus, on point, and can make things happen.

I would submit to you that acting with intention will change your life. It most certainly will change your business. Try it the next time you meet with a prospective client. Think about what you want to accomplish during the meeting. What questions will you ask? What information will you share? What has to happen for you to move one step closer to making them a client?

Go in focused and on point. You are in control. You own the moment.

People want to do business with winners. Let me share with you what is happening at the subconscious level with your audience. They are asking three questions. Why you? Why your organization? Why now? Your agenda should address those three questions. I believe that most clients are quietly analyzing what we can do with a thirty-minute meeting before they are willing to hand us their trust and confidence to take care of their needs.

Be a person of intentional action (in every area of your life) and you will find yourself getting off the merry-go-round of daily activity and headed down the road to high achievement, satisfaction, and purpose.

The great Les Brown says it best: 

“We don’t get in life what we want. We get in life what we are.”

I hope you are ready to grow to the next level in your life. If you will be a believer, if you will be committed and if you will be a person of intentional action, then I have no doubt that you my friend will BE everything you were born to be. 

Want to read more from Kevin? His latest book, Unleashing Your Hero, is available for purchase online at, Barnes & Noble, and Books-A-Million.

Kevin D. Brown is a branding and culture expert. He’s an award-winning motivational speaker, bestselling author, and the creator of The Hero Effect®. Follow him on LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.

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