Do What You Can


Theodore Roosevelt said, "Do what you can with what you have where you are."

So many people just go through life coasting, going through the motions.

The great ones, the people who excel at work, who build great companies, the high achievers in life, they're always great stewards of where they are right now. They understand that now always leads to next. Because if we do a great job right now, that's what gets us discovered; that's what shines the light on our abilities, that's what proves to the people around us that it doesn't matter what I'm doing or where I am, I'm going to pour the best of me into this and I'm going to make this little part of the world shine.

Today, do what you can with what you have where you are. It'll pay big dividends, and it'll take you places that you never even dreamed of.


Copyright © 2020 Kevin Brown. All rights reserved.


Motivational Speaker & Author Kevin Brown

Kevin Brown is on a mission to help people and organizations embrace a simple philosophy that separates world class organizations and high performance people from everybody else. He is passionate about helping people expand their vision, develop their potential and grow their results. Kevin challenges people to show up every day and make a positive difference at work and in life!
