Be The Hero... For Yourself and Others


A Hero Named David

My first mentor was a man named David. He was a gruff, no-nonsense sales guy from South Texas. David helped me pull my life out of the ditch by teaching me about sales and about life.

He taught me how to create a vision for my life that was far different from my past. He would tell me:


“If your vision is big enough, the odds don’t matter!”


In other words, nothing can beat the odds like a giant-sized vision for your life.

David didn’t allow me to wallow in self-pity. He would not allow negativity and victim-thinking. He didn’t let me hide behind my past and the things that had happened to me. When I would lash out and say, “You don’t understand. My life hasn’t been fair!” he would glare at me and, in a firm and steady tone, say, “Listen to me, son. Life is completely fair. Nobody gets out unscathed. You think you are the only one with problems? Guess again. The difference between happiness and misery is as simple as choosing which one you want and then doing the work to make it happen. You can’t work on your future while you’re stuck in the past.”


David held me to a higher standard than I held myself. That’s what real friends and mentors do. I’ve heard people say their closest friends accept them as they are.


I believe that people who care the most about you will hold you accountable to becoming the best version of yourself.


They aren’t going to buy your excuses. They won’t let you slide by with anything other than the very best version of you.

Why? Because they know what’s in you. They know what you’ve got to offer. 


Holding people accountable to their talents, gifts, and abilities is what heroes do.


David poured ideas into my young mind that would slowly begin to turn the tide of uncertainty in my life. The waves of desperation began to subside, and a new calm emerged. He helped me get on my feet and take responsibility for my life.

It’s Called “Self-Help” for a Reason

David didn’t make the changes for me. He kept me on track and helped me correct my course along the way. The work part was up to me. I had to take what he taught me and apply it. It was up to me to make better decisions and choose a different path. It was up to me to let go of my past and embrace my future.


Many times, I’ve watched people who are unwilling to do the work. They just want the result. They want a better life and bigger returns. They want a better marriage, successful career, great kids. They want to be happy. But they aren’t willing to do what it takes to have those things. The sad truth is it takes more work, energy, and stress not to have them—to stay where they are and remain small in a big world.

It’s called “self-help” for a reason. I am a self-help junkie. I came to understand that until I changed, nothing would change. Then when I began changing, everything began changing for me. Now is a good time to go to work on yourself to become the best possible version of you.

Becoming a Hero

A simple change in your thinking can have a profound and lasting influence on your life. What is your big vision? What is it that you would dare to do if success was guaranteed? How would you rewrite the story of your life beginning now? Who must you become to bring your vision into reality?

Look around you. Is there anyone who could use your words of encouragement? Can you be a hero to them right now? No one is beyond hope. Maybe you can be the “David” to provide someone a way out of the ditch that has them stuck. 


I believe that for every person you’ve touched in a positive way, there are hundreds, perhaps thousands, of other lives that have been influenced. People have been the beneficiaries of your kindness, your encouragement, or your mentoring. I believe that for every life you leave better than you found it, those people pour it into others, multiplying your influence exponentially.

That is what David has done for every person who has heard me share his story.



This post includes excerpts from Kevin’s newest book The Hero Effect®: Being Your Best When it Matters the Most!

The Hero Effect® is a personal revelation that also holds profound implications for business. It’s an insightful narrative that challenges conventional thinking and reveals a brand-new paradigm in the world of everyday heroes. After reading, your team will be motivated to reach beyond what is required and do something remarkable! This book is designed to help individuals and organizations achieve greater results by eliminating “ordinary" thinking and mastering the habit of excellence.

Purchase Your Copy Here.


Photo credits (in order of appearance): Everton Vila on Unsplash, Alex Iby on Unsplash, on Pexels, pixabay on Pexels, and Perry Grone on Unsplash

Copyright © 2019 Kevin Brown. All rights reserved.


Motivational Speaker & Author Kevin Brown

Kevin Brown is on a mission to help people and organizations embrace a simple philosophy that separates world class organizations and high performance people from everybody else. He is passionate about helping people expand their vision, develop their potential and grow their results. Kevin challenges people to show up every day and make a positive difference at work and in life!
