Professional Speaker Kevin Brown

Kevin’s unconventional path to business and personal success has taught him that winning in business and in life requires anything but conventional thinking. He grew up in Muskegon, Michigan where his blue-collar roots taught him the value of hard work and determination. With a streetwise aptitude and a never quit attitude, he worked his way from the front lines in business to the executive boardroom.

Kevin understands what drives organizational excellence and customer loyalty. He knows first-hand how great brands think, feel and act. He is a branding and culture expert with a 30+ year career in franchise development. He spent the last 20 years of his corporate career as part of a leadership team that built a little-known family business into the #1 franchise in their industry with annual revenues exceeding $2 billion dollars. Since 2016, he has traveled the world pursuing a mission to share The HERO Effect® message with as many people and organizations as possible.

The HERO Effect® is a simple philosophy that separates world-class organizations and high-performance people from everybody else. Kevin is passionate about helping people expand their vision, develop their potential, and grow their results. And, as the father of a child with autism he knows firsthand how the principles of true success reach beyond the boardroom and into the lives of real people facing the challenges of everyday life.

As a highly sought-after keynote speaker, Kevin has had the privilege of speaking to a wide variety of organizations including American Express, Delta Airlines, PayPal, ExxonMobil, Nationwide, H&R Block, Sprint, Ernst & Young, Million Dollar Round Table, Merck, Booz Allen Hamilton, and many more.

Kevin is the bestselling author of The Hero Effect® (2017/2019). In his second book, Unleashing Your Hero (Harper Collins Leadership/Nov 2021), Kevin shares how the heroes who transformed his life are people just like you. People who were willing to use their gifts and abilities to serve others at a high level. This book is a guide to help everyday people discover and unleash their hero at work and in life.

Kevin has received numerous honors, including being named one of the ‘Top 10 Keynote Speakers of 2021’ by SpeakInc; one of the ‘Top 41 Motivational Speakers Who Can Energize Any Sales Team’ by ResourcefulSelling; among the ‘Top Customer Service Speakers’ by Eagles Talent Speakers Bureau; one of the ‘Best Keynote Speakers of 2019’ by NorthStar Meetings Group; and an elite and in-demand ‘Gold Star Speaker’ by GDA Speakers.

Kevin entertains, inspires and challenges people to show up every day and make a positive difference at work and in life!

A couple of my heroes…

The HERO Effect® is about seeing the heroes around you and finding the one within you. I am certainly blessed to have some amazing people in my life who love me, push me, challenge me and pick me up when I get knocked down.

My wife, Lisa, is the most incredible human I know. Inside and out she is the definition of a beautiful person. She is my bride, my best friend and my business partner. She is also mom to a very special young man. She is a real life Wonder Woman to us. After all, you can’t spell hero without HER!

Joshua (“Josh-Brown”) is our son. He is an amateur meteorologist and a bonafide Disney aficionado. He is an amazing young man who has accomplished more than the experts ever thought he would. His autism does not stand in the way of his passion and focus on making a difference in the world.

My heroes: my bride, Lisa; Josh-Brown; Chelsea and Buster Brown!

My heroes: my bride, Lisa; Josh-Brown; Chelsea and Buster Brown!