The Power of a Compelling Vision – Three Things to Bring Your 2022 Goals to Life

A new year.  

New goals.

More resolutions. 

 Renewed intentions.

We all call it something different.  

It seems everyone has an opinion about how you should plan, prepare, and execute in the year ahead.

I want to set you free in 2022.

I don’t have a business plan. 

I will say it again. I don’t have a business plan. 

If you’re still with me, let me explain. 

My business manager has a plan. People on our team have plans. You know, the nuts and bolts of daily activities that drive results and outcomes.

Makes me anxious just thinking about it.

 I don’t work well with a detailed plan.

 I believe in plans and goals. They’re important. I just think a lot of people and organizations use annual plans as a form of fake work. They spend weeks, perhaps months planning, drafting, presenting, and preparing only to have those 3-ring binders sit on a shelf, collecting dust.

Let’s clear the clutter.

Goals and plans are vital to achieving strategic outcomes.

 But it’s a compelling vision that is the engine that drives the energy, passion, and focus to make those goals and plans come to life.

If you want engagement, buy-in, and purposeful activity (that’s an article by itself), then a compelling vision is the most important weapon in a leader’s arsenal.

 The vision for our organization (Kevin Brown Enterprises) is to share our story in a way that inspires people to change the world.

We get up every day and chase it to the best of our ability.

It’s amazing how chasing a compelling vision reveals the plans required to achieve it.

Without a compelling story, plans bog us down in the activity and we miss actually achieving the objective by a mile. We begin to mistake all of the activity for achievement.

A powerful vision draws people in, plugs them into a higher pursuit, and fuels the activity with purposeful intent. Especially if they know how it helps them achieve the most important goals in their life.  

Engagement happens when people connect to the vision and understand the correlation between the organizational objectives and personal aspirations. In other words, if I help the organization reach the vision, I will by default fulfill something meaningful to me. 

It really is that simple.

Leaders, here are three things you can focus on to become the "Chief Vision Officer” for your organization:

  1. Create and articulate a vision that not only says here’s where we are going, but why it matters and how others can contribute in meaningful ways.

  2. Tie the accomplishment of organizational vision to individual goals. (There’s the detailed plan for those of you who got hives when I said, “no plan.”)

  3. Make sure your vision not only benefits the organization and team members but also the greater good.

Make 2022 the year of a compelling vision. Dig deep to uncover the story that brings together the greatness of your team with an aspiration that serves others and makes the world a better place. 

Cheers to your best year ever!

What to read more from Kevin? His latest book, Unleashing Your Hero, is available for purchase online at Amazon.comBarnes & Noble, and Books-A-Million.

Kevin D. Brown is a branding and culture expert. He’s an award-winning motivational speaker, bestselling author, and the creator of The Hero Effect®. Follow him on LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.

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