Today is Your Legacy™

Jun 06, 2023

Kevin Brown

Award-winning motivational speaker
& best-selling author

One of the highest honors I have ever had in my life is being asked to deliver a eulogy at the end of someone else’s life.

It is also the most challenging thing I have ever done as a speaker.

To celebrate all they had done and everything they had become.

To invite friends and family to share a glimpse into the moments that meant the most to them.

To summarize an entire lifetime with sacred verses and meaningful quotes.

Perhaps a poem.

Or a song.

One night not long ago I had a dream.

It was one of those dreams that felt real.

I was at another funeral.

Music played.

Songs I knew.

Some of my favorites.

People I loved and others I didn’t recognize reminisced about old memories and moments we had shared together.

A video played.

It was like my highlight reel at first.

Stage after stage of me sharing my story.

Laughter and tears.

Standing ovations.

 And a few sitting ones.

There were clips from vacations and holidays.

Although not as many as there should have been.

Pictures of me with big hair and outfits that made me laugh out loud.

Except no one could hear me.

Because I was gone.

I was in the box.

They were there to celebrate my life.

How did this happen?

I had such big plans.

Another book.

More speeches to give.

Another marathon.

Oh, and that anniversary trip we’d been putting off.

Dammit. It’s over.

That’s when I woke up.

Sweat mixed with tears streaming down my face.

I could barely catch my breath.

My wife asked if I was ok.

It was 2:17 am on a Saturday.

That’s the day I like to sleep late.

But not on that Saturday.

I was afraid to close my eyes.

I would be up for the next 48 hours thinking about one thing.

My legacy.

I couldn’t stop thinking about my funeral.

My kids.

My bride.

Our life.

My granddaughter.

Sometimes when we think about legacy we think about our family and most certainly we should.

But legacy is about far more than your lineage.

It’s an impression. An imprint of your entire life.

Every moment penned in the book of you.

Think about that.

Your whole life.

The good, the bad, and the not-so-desirable.

Have you ever thought about what your legacy will be?

What will linger when you leave?

And something always does.

It’s our reputation in reverse.

I know, it’s a tough subject.

Listen, we cannot talk about legacy without talking about leaving this life.

But leaving this life has everything to do with how we live this life.

You see.

Since my dream, I have developed an obsession about legacy.

In business and in life.

As a human and as a brand.

Legacy is powerful.

It is the subject of my next book and keynote.

It’s about time.

The time of your life.

Here are a few things I would love for you to consider this week about legacy.

First, let’s go back to the title and understand that this is the guiding principle of legacy.

Today IS Your Legacy™.

That’s number one.

What does that mean?

Two things.

  1. Own the moments that matter.

  2. They all matter.

Pretty simple, right?

If it’s easy to do. It’s easy not to do.

I have developed six questions that I think are important to ask yourself when it comes to legacy.

  1. Are you LEADING the way you want to be remembered?

  2. Are you the EXAMPLE that you wish to see in others?

  3. Are you GENEROUS with your gifts?

  4. What ATTITUDE do you bring to each day?

  5. Do you Live with COMPASSION for those around you?

  6. What does it mean to be YOU?

These questions are about reflection, contemplation, and intention.

And the good news is, every single day is a new opportunity to redefine your contribution and your legacy.

You matter, your life matters, and what you leave behind every single day matters to those around you.

Make today count.

It is your legacy and gift to the rest of us.

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